Friday, March 25, 2011

Act 2 Scene 1-2

In this part of the story Romeo went to julets house and talk to her about how much he loved her and how she should love her back. she thought that if they got together that there families would kill one of them because the families hated each other so much. I think that they are going to get together and there families would get really mad.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Scene 4

in this scene there is one guy that is talking to his coz about how he likes this girl. he really likes her but he is not sure that she likes him.
i think that this scene should have 2 guys talking about a girl.

Scene 3

In this scene was about a lady that raised juliet and now she is telling every one about how get she is. She also told everyone about how she has a new boy friend.
In this Scene i think that it should be someones mom barging there child up. they should tell every one how good there child is at some thing.

scene 1

they are telling each other how much they hate each family is mad at the other family and they are about ready to fight when another guy steps in and tries to stop the fight. I dont get why they are so mad at each other.
I think that in this Scene there should be 2 groups of people that are arguing over something and they are about ready to get in to a fight when someone stops them.